Project transportation

A multi-stage complex of works, including a set of services such as:

InterRail Service offers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to use the project transportation service.

A clear advantage - 30 years of experience in organizing project transportation allows us to implement projects of any scale.

Content of work on project transportation of goods

Stages of interaction with clients

  1. Receiving a request from the client to organize the transportation of goods
  2. Calculation of the cost of services
  3. Signing of the CONTRACT of transport expedition
  4. Receiving an application from a client to organize the transportation of goods
  5. Fulfillment of obligations under the contract in accordance with the application
  6. Sending a package of reporting financial documents to the client

Types of transported goods

Asphalt rollers



InterRail Service offers each customer the most optimal cost of railway transportation, taking into account their individual requirements. We build long-term and trusting relationships with each client and partner.

Order a service or find out the cost of project transportation

You can send us a message

Name Company Phone E-mail address Message

Sales Department

telephone+7 (495) 937-59-27, ext. 108

Customer Service Department

telephone+7 (495) 937-59-27, ext. 294